With skyrocketing utility bills, reduced consumer spending and inflation at a 14-year high, businesses need to do everything they can to save money. But skimping on a CCTV installation shouldn’t be one of them. You might think installing a DIY CCTV system rather than using a professional installer will save you money, but in the long run, it won’t.

Here are six reasons why having professional CCTV installation will save your business money.

1. Get the right equipment for the job

There is a wide choice of CCTV systems on the market, but if you don’t know precisely what you need, you could easily end up spending unnecessarily. A professional installer will assess your property and recommend an appropriate system that meets your requirements. Then, you’ll have the correct CCTV system for your business at the right price.

2. Avoid hefty data protection fines

Privacy and data protection laws govern CCTV recording, and if you don’t abide by these, you could be liable for prosecution and potential fines. However, if you use a professional installer, they’ll set it up correctly so it won’t breach any rules and cost your business money.

3. Prevent an expensive system hack

Modern CCTV systems use the internet for remote monitoring and control via smart devices, so they’re susceptible to hacking. The impact of a hack could be financially catastrophic to your business. However, when a professional installs your CCTV system, they’ll ensure all the security settings are applied to minimise the possibility of it being hacked.

4. Avert a costly break-in

If you’re going to go to the expense and trouble of putting up CCTV to protect your business, you need it to do its job. A poorly installed CCTV system is a green light to a criminal who will think there’s something of value there and see it’s vulnerable. On the other hand, CCTV installed by a professional will deter intruders and protect your business’ assets, saving you a hefty bill if your premises were targeted.

5. Save money on repairs

When you use a CCTV installation service, your system will be installed correctly the first time. Correct installation means you won’t need to go back and make expensive repairs to brackets, fallen cameras, or disconnected wires over and over.

6. Time is money

It will probably take you or a team member much longer than a professional installer to set up your CCTV system. This time will most likely be more productively spent elsewhere in your business.

So, as you can see, DIY CCTV installation is often a false economy.

If you would like a no-obligation quote for a CCTV installation, please get in touch. You can call us on 01392 368830 or message us via our contact form.