Home security has possibly been less of a concern for homeowners over recent months as lockdown restrictions have meant many of us have rarely left our homes empty.

However, as things slowly return to normal, and we begin to spend more time away from home now is a good time to review how secure your home is.

Here are our 11 tips on how you can improve your home security:

1. Fit secure locks

Ensure all your external doors have reliable locks. Mortice locks and multi-point locking systems are the most secure.

2. Use window locks

Fit locks on your windows and use them.

3. Install an alarm

Install a security alarm on the outside of your home. As well as deterring anyone from breaking in an alarm could also lower your home insurance premiums.

4. Install CCTV

Mount CCTV cameras outside of your home. These will deter burglars and provide visual evidence should your home get broken into.

5. Don’t hide keys outside

Rather than hiding a key where a burglar might find it use a secure outdoor key safe.

6. Light up your house

Keep a few lights on in the house when you go out in the evening. If you’re going to be away overnight use a time-switch or ‘smart plugs’, so lights come on and off while you’re not there. Motion-activated lights outside work as an excellent deterrent to intruders.

7. Lock up tools

Don’t leave any tools that could help a burglar gain access to your house, e.g. ladders, garden tools, etc., lying about.

8. Plant a barrier

Hedges and thorny shrubs make an effective barrier to your home and act as a deterrent to thieves. But avoid planting high hedges around doors and windows as these can conceal a burglar who’s trying to break in.

9. Gravel the drive

Noisy to walk on, gravel can alert you to people outside of your property and also deter unwanted intruders from coming in.

10. Hide valuables from view

Keep valuable items such as watches, laptops and large TVs away from windows and draw the curtains at night.

11. Make out you’re home

If you’re going to be away from home for an extended period, enlist someone to help prevent your home from looking empty – by collecting the mail, mowing the lawn, moving the car on the drive etc.

If you’d like to improve your home security with an alarm or CCTV system, please call us on 01392 368830 or email us for a free security consultation and quote.


Image credit: Pixabay